Homeopathy for pets- Wally story.
A few days ago I went with Wally for a walk. He was doing his everyday Wally things sniffing every bush and peeing on it when all of...
For all the women❤️
I love this picture it is from a beautiful womb-rising retreat where I took time for myself, a few years ago. With all these beautiful...
Oh, no flu!
We had a spell of very hot weather one week, followed by a cool change. Last few weeks many of my clients and neighbours have been...
Everybody loves the sunshine. Homeopathy with Ania - summer edition.
Dear friends, we have a few beautiful months of sunshine, festivity, swimming, and spending lots of time outdoors. I love summer and I...
Full moon and Cina
If you have kids who love playing outdoors in the dirt, sometimes forgetting to wash their hands and you have home animals or/and farm...
Spotlight on Arsenicum Album
Arsenicum Album is a beautiful remedy from the mineral kingdom. It is one of the remedies in my first aid kit and I find many uses for my...
Spotlight on Spongia Tosta
Spotlight on Spongia Tosta I love all homeopathic remedies, but I have my group which I am fond of - ocean and sea remedies are close to...
Spotlight on Kali Mur - tissue salt.
Tissue salt or cell salts are beautiful supplements and I love to use them. There are 12 tissue salts like the 12 zodiacs and they are...
Cerato-Bach flower remedy for uncertanity.
It is one of twelve healers - the first twelve flower remedies documented by Dr. Edward Bach, my hero. This one is for uncertainty. Dr....
Gorse Bach remedy - brings back hope!
I have found a Gorse remedy a few years ago during wintertime. I used to get sick and down with the weather changes. Gorse worked like...